To watch, as a receding object; to keep the eyes fixed upon while in motion; to keep the mind upon while in progress, as a speech, musical performance, etc.; also, to keep up with; to understand the meaning, connection, or force of, as of a course of thought or argument. ...
America has deep problems, to be sure. Which is why we can’t give up on it – or give up the fights for social justice, equal political rights, equal opportunity and the rule of law. The forces of Tr*mpian repression and neofascism would like nothing better than for us to give up...
meaning fundamental rights of india union territories of india capitals of seven sisters of india most populated states in india biology microbiology ecology zoology photosynthesis formulas maths formulas algebra formulas trigonometry formulas geometry formulas cbse sample papers cbse sample papers for class ...
Perhaps the humpback clutched the man in its mouth before releasing him, or perhaps it just dragged him under water before the man popped back up. Either way, it was a terrifying experience on its own, and made for some awesome video, even if we didn’t get to see the inside of a ...
The patients included in the study had previously undergone PTCA and stenting, coronary artery bypass surgery in our hospital, or were followed up with medical treatment after coronary angiography previously performed in our hospital. The patient population is composed of patients living in the northwes...
This is why Republicans are still so angry. They know they know Tr*mp winning can’t stop it, and they know Tr*mp in office can’t stop it — they can feel the inevitable extinction of their own terrible beliefs. At this point, the only thing that’ll stop it is if we let up....
Personally, I tend to make a few grammatical mistakes while I reply in ISC, if there is an official correspondence, I tend to scan it once more and pick up errors.With the use of computers and word check with spelling and grammar correction, are we getting more dependent on software ...
ll make it across the US. We still have to work & earn money while on the road in order to continue & it’s proving to be much more difficult to make the money we need to continue. So far we have volunteered at a domestic violence organization, Habitat for Humanity & served up ...
Tagalog (22 million native speakers): Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan. Cebuano (20 million native speakers): Kadtong dili kahibalo molingi sa iyang ginikanan, dili makaabot sa iyang gipadulongan. Once upon a time, these two languages were...
I train more than I play these days, and I find a little more meaning in that. However, it hasn’t been straightforward to give adequate time towards this, so I am now exploring ways to find a way to be able to teach a larger number of students by using my personal methods. The ...