68 -- 0:51 App Email: Scheduling a meeting 邮件系列之如何安排一次会议 12 -- 0:57 App Negotiate a meeting place 70 -- 0:34 App Meeting essential phrases for discussion 商务会议中讨论环节的相关英语表达 392 -- 1:50 App Daily Standup meeting- business jargon 140 -- 0:49 App 邮件...
And even if you do pluck up the courage to send an email, it’s all too common to send BAD follow-up emails using phrases like: “Thought I’d check in on this”or“Bumping this to the top of your inbox” (Spoiler alert: These types of emails will almost always end up in the t...
The phrase “Touching base on” is amore informalyet stillprofessionalalternative to “I just wanted to follow up.” It implies a friendly check-in without pressuring the recipient. This makes it great for maintaining a positive and light communication tone, especially in industries that value cas...
It’s easy to soften an initial follow-up email with phrases like “I’d love to hear back from you” or “I’d like to learn more about what you do.” The problem is, these aren’t questions and none of them ask for a close. Closing isn’t just a will-they-or-won’t-they...
These phrases signal afollow-up message. They're common expressions for people to use, specifically in emails, when trying to convert leads, close deals, or simply get the information they need. However, these repetitive phrases are often ineffective because they rarely catch an email recipient'...
You know what doesn't add value? All those filler phrases that stall getting to the point of a follow-up email. If all you're writing is "just following up" or some variation, your recipient will be fuzzy on what exactly you want from them. ...
According toGoogle Ngram Viewer, ‘follow up on’ is used the most. However, there is not really a huge amount of difference between the two. It is only used about 10-15% more often. Neither of these phrases really caught on in terms of use until the 1940s, so they are a relativel...
Be clear about your product or service.Use conciseemail copyto describe what your product or service involves. Avoid complex jargon and use words and phrases that clearly outline what you do and why the lead should buy from you. Create visually appealing emails.Structure emails clearly and profess...
Explanation of the English phrase "follow up with (someone) on (something)": "Following up on" something means reviewing it again later. You "follow up" to: make sure that something gets done: They're not very reliable. You have to follow up w
'I hope you are well' is an example of a phrase which you can use in a follow-up email once you have built up a relationship with the person, but there are many others (e.g. 'how was your holiday?' etc...). Using this type of what are called 'small talk' phrases, not only...