Of these, 1,066 (52.8%) completed a follow-up diagnostic colonoscopy within 12 months of their FIT test. The proportion completing a FIT ranged from 47.2% to 60.9% (data not shown) across health systems, highlighting the importance of controlling for health system in subsequent analyses. The...
During the follow-up periods, 6046 women reported newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. A supplementary questionnaire regarding symptoms, diagnostic tests, and hypoglycemic therapy was mailed to women who indicated on any biennial questionnaire that they had been diagnosed as having diabetes. A case of ...
In year 11th through 17th, women were considered adherent if they had at least one consultation in primary care and one or more imaging tests or one mammogram per year. Women who adhered to the basic recommendations for more than half their follow-up period were considered overall adherent. ...