According to current guidelines, the indication and timing for surveillance colonoscopy after removal of colonic adenomas are based on a risk estimation taking into account number and size of adenomas removed. In this study we audited the compliance with guidelines in the current practice of two ...
Twenty-two percent had a recent colonoscopy, 12.5% could not be found for notification, and 10.3% did not show up to a scheduled appointment. When the participants who declined the follow-up colonoscopy due to self-report of a recent colonoscopy were removed from the denominator, completion ...
Since the visit was free – my favorite kind – I set myself up with an appointment and off I went to visit my new favorite family doc. My old favorite doc had retired without consulting me and I may hold this against her for another 5 minutes. New doc had to ask the obvious questi...
Friday was a big day for me. One I had been putting off for nine years. It was the day that I had my first colonoscopy. Ever since I turned 50, various doctors have told me that I need to just do it. Bottom line, is I’m a coward and hate the idea of someone putting a long...
A possible explanation could be that patients who were familiar with physical follow-up associated their upcoming physical appointment with getting their blood drawn, but have not gotten used to the self-dependence of getting their blood drawn independently of an appointment. Reminding patients to get...
Two patients (33%) had normal physical exams including pelvic exams during the appointment after which abnormalities were first identified on ultrasound, while one patient (17%) had a normal abdominal exam, and 3 (50%) refused physical exams. The one recurrence that was not first identified by...