In a "follow-up visit", a patient seeks medical attention for an existing health problem. Using data from the Vietnamese public hospital system, we present a more nuanced analysis of follow-ups in health communication than the one currently available. To be specific, we discriminate between "...
The classical Roman New Year’s celebration was also in the spring although the calendar went out of synchrony with the sun. January 1st became the first day of the year by proclamation of the Roman Senate in 153 BC, reinforced even more strongly when Julius Caesar established what came to ...
‘Google Maps, the most popular mapping software in the world, said on Monday evening that it will begin using new names for two prominent geographical features in North America, the Gulf of Mexico and Mount Denali. As soon as “they have been updated in official government sources,” Google...
‘Google Maps, the most popular mapping software in the world, said on Monday evening that it will begin using new names for two prominent geographical features in North America, the Gulf of Mexico and Mount Denali. As soon as “they have been updated in official government sources,” Google...
There- fore, understanding the level of BP control in hyper- tensive patients will not only help healthcare providers manage hypertension effectively, but it can also help policymakers develop pertinent, context-specific policies that can enhance the management of hypertension. The present study ...
Therefore we use a suite of more specific proxy criteria that aim to capture different aspects of behavior in a deployed model that could end up being harmful: we have labelers evaluate whether an output is inappropriate in the context of a customer assistant, denigrates a protected class, or...
"Vietnamese","UseLanguageText.language.zh-CN.label":"Chinese (Simplified)","UseLanguageText.language.zh-TW.label":"Chinese (Traditional)"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-components/languages/LanguagePicker-1738843532674":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-components...
Most of the dishes on the blog are of Asian flavor. You will also find stories about travel (see: One of theBest Travel Blogs,) other recipes, and gadget related information. Her favorite recipes are Vietnamese spring rolls, bacon yakimochi, and mini scotched quail eggs. ...
In the context of the whole book, the author claims that life is“meaningless”[7]. The author despairs that all human activity is pointless because we all die anyway. He observes that work is hard (toil) and we cannot take our money with us when we die [8]. ...