“Search engine robots cannot sign in or register as a member on your forum, so there is no reason to invite Googlebot to follow “sign-in” or “register here” links. Using nofollow on these links allows Googlebot to crawl other pages you would prefer to see in Google’s index.” ...
While he is now one of the biggest Twitch influencers, much of his personal empire would not have existed today without the help of YouTube. 5. Markiplier Like a surprisingly large percentage of the top YouTubers (particularly those in the gaming genre), Mark Edward Fischbach, aka ...
bot mom to @cooltechrobot and @whosehiringbot | i talk trash about tech | twitch affiliate | come watch me stream ⬇️ twitch.tv/nerdyandnatural saron yitbarek @ saronyitbarek twitter bio: 2x founder, building @discohq_ , @codenewbies (acquired). i wore a t-shirt to my ...
This month CGBot has been focused on the stars – the Constellations, to be precise! They’re preparing the ship and the variants ready to go in hangars. Virtuos has been getting acquainted with our editor and preparing to start working on ships, while also continuing with props for the ...
Jon Carnage, Twitch,@JonCarnage Brendan Carr, FCC,@BrendanCarrFCC Erin Lee Carr, HBO,@erinleecarr Rebecca Carroll, LA Times,@rebel19 Monica Castillo, New York Times,@mcastimovies Casey Chafkin, Skillz,@CChafkin Cari Champion, ESPN,@CariChampion ...
All backers before October 29, 2012 will start Star Citizen with a Class I Repair Bot in their garage. All backers before November 8, 2012 will start Star Citizen with 500 additional credits. Extended hardcore flight sim controller support: Flight Chairs, multiple monitors, Track-IR,MFD(Multi ...
Between the Summit meetings, we were able to take a break and watch the first backers streaming Arena Commander on Twitch! Overall the release went pretty smoothly for us. In 12.2 we made some changes to reduce the number of collisions between Scythe and the player, but on the whole we ha...