Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) is a form of thyroid cancer that originates from the follicular cells in the thyroid gland. Although it is less common than PTC, FTC represents around 10–15 % of all thyroid cancers. Its growth is usually slow and has a positive prognosis, howev...
This entity may represent a source of diagnostic error, since it can be easily misinterpreted as a macrofollicular adenoma or nodular goiter. Design.--In this study, we describe 3 cases of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid with a macrofollicular growth pattern and review the literature. Results...
if no capsular or vascular invasion present, should have widespread nuclear features of papillary carcinoma PLUS some additional features of papillary carcinoma (papillae, fibrous bands, dense eosinophilic colloid), otherwise diagnose as follicular adenoma or well differentiated thyroid neoplasm of uncertain...
Specifically, FA may be a direct precursor (similar genetic mutations may be seen, although lower frequency) since the histology is identical except for invasion, and patients with FC are about a decade older than patients with adenoma. Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma—Disease Fact Sheet Definition ■...