泰勒·斯威夫特全新专辑《folklore》16首豪华单曲狙击心灵 7月24日12:00,美国流行唱作天后Taylor Swift高能来袭,第八张数字专辑《folklore》在酷狗音乐正式开售。超豪华的16首全新单曲全面解禁,Taylor Swift醉人的声线充满叙事感,邀请乐迷们共赴一场极致的音乐盛宴。 熟悉Taylor Swift的粉丝应该都知道,她在发布新专辑前...
网友:疫情在家狂写歌 还记得今年7月美国乐坛天后Taylor Swift无预警释出第8张录音室专辑《Folklore》 ,以崭新的空灵风格为全球乐迷带来多达17首新歌,而且霉霉更再度展示她的巨星魅力: 不用靠宣传! 泰勒丝空降专辑《Folklore》24小时内,全球就卖破超过130万超夸张! 不过现在更夸张的事情发生了,霉霉又无预警宣告今天...
泰勒斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)的上一张专辑《Lover》发行不到一年,她就在社交平台上毫无预警地宣布,第八张专辑《folklore》将在不到24小时后发行,这让粉丝们又惊又喜! 她表示:“这个暑假我计划做的很多事情都没有实现,但有一件我完全没计划的事情要发生了,那就是我的第8张专辑!” 在隔离期间,霉霉全身心地投入到...
If you read the reason behind all my online accounts named Ayiswift here, Swift isn’t really for Taylor Swift yet perhaps this time around, I won’t bother if it does just to show how much I adore her talent on songwriting. I don’t read celebrity news anymore (I did, ages ago) ...
7月24日,霉霉Taylor Swift空降发行了自己的全新专辑《folklore》。没有任何预兆、没有任何暗示,直接给乐坛丢下一枚炸弹。 虽然在近些年,“无预警发专”年已经不算是一件罕见的事,但是在美国还因疫情而处于水深火热这种特殊时期,霉霉自己的《Lover Fest》巡演都延期到了明年。没等到巡演,却直接又等到了一张全新专辑...
Taylor Swift fans are convinced she made references to Scooter Braun, Joe Alwyn and ex Joe Jonas in the lyrics for her new album, ‘Folklore’ — read more
Taylor Swift’s new album is called The Tortured Poets Department, but that title could arguably describe her entire catalog. The 14-time Grammy winner is well-known for writing “tortured” song lyrics, which became all the more apparent when she released a set of new Apple Music playlists ...
Other articles where Folklore is discussed: Taylor Swift: Reputation, Lover, Folklore, Evermore, and controversies: …little advance notice, she released Folklore in 2020. A departure from her previous pop-inspired work, Swift’s eighth studio album drew
Don't fall for this story about woman divorcing husband because he booed Taylor Swift Written by: Joey Esposito Feb. 21, 2025 More Entertainment Fact or Fiction? You Decide! Dive into the World of Facts and Fallacies: Sharpen Your Mind, Challenge Your Beliefs. Daily Trivia Keep Score Free...
身为美国流行乐坛畅销天后Taylor Swift在今天为全球喜爱她的粉丝送上一个大惊喜,那就是她继《Lover》之后又发行全新专辑了! 自从离开旧公司,现在霉霉终于要发行新东家之后的第二张录音室专辑《Folklore》! 这张专辑一共会发行 CD、磁带、黑胶等多达8种豪华版本供歌迷收藏。