我很庆幸。特别是由活跃在主流pop区的,我最欣赏与喜爱的艺术家—Taylor Swift所创作的。《folklore》无...
前者是Taylor Swift目前最好的一首男女对唱,Bon Iver有着比她以往的合作者都要有气质得多的vocal,粗粝、情绪丰富,二人的演唱在简约的编曲下也能让人感到强烈的纠葛感;后者则有种古典室内乐影响下的民谣气质,以浓厚的神圣色彩赞颂医护人员的付出,是专辑中最应景的歌曲。 最后豪华版加曲结尾的《the lakes》则以一...
Swift isn’t one of the greatest twenty-first century artists because her work is autobiographical, or because she leaves cleverly crafted clues leading up to her albums but ratherbecause she is, first and foremost, a storyteller “故事大王”真的不是浪得虚名~ 所谓“民间故事”,亦真亦幻,谁又...
1、2020年Taylor Swift新歌专辑Folklore民间传说简介:folklore是泰勒 斯威夫特的第8张个人录音室专辑,标准版共收录16 首歌曲,豪华版包括the lakes在内的17首歌曲,于2020年7月24日发行。 实体专辑包含8个CD版本,8个黑胶版本及1个磁带特别版共17个不同版本。1. The 12. Cardigan3. The last great American dyna...
Please picture me in the treesI hit my peak at sevenFeet in the swing over the creekI was too scared to jump in 可以在天空中“自由翱翔”: But I, I was high in the skyWith Pennsylvania under me 可以无所顾忌的大吼大叫: ...
in Love” each put into words love that’s as pretty as a picture, the kind that has no place for the noise from the outside world. “You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars/ And why I’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words,” Swift sings....
2020年年TaylorSwift新新歌歌专专辑辑Folklore民民间间传传说说 2020年TaylorSwift新歌专辑Folklore民间传说 简介:《folklore》是泰勒·斯威夫特的第8张个⼈录⾳室专辑,标版共收录16⾸歌曲,豪华版包括《thelakes》在内的17⾸歌 曲,于2020年7⽉24⽇发⾏。实体专辑包含8个CD版本,8个⿊胶版本及1个磁带特...
The image of a fisherman tucked up in his Aran sweater, sailing his traditional currach boat off the craggy coastline, may recall an idyllic picture from a storybook, though the reality is rather less cozy – and with a rather more pungent smell. ...
The coconut and black vanilla create a warm, dark base for the scent while the caramel and marmalade bring the sweetness. In my tests, the sea salt truly smells like sea spray coming in off the ocean and balances out the sweet notes really well by giving them a bitter edge. Finally, th...
作词: Taylor Swift/Aaron Dessner 作曲: Taylor Swift/Aaron Dessner Please picture me in the trees 请将我描绘在树林中 I hit my peak at seven 我把秋千荡到七尺 Feet in the swing over the creek 双脚荡到小溪之上 I was too scared to jump in but I, I was high 我不敢纵身而跃...