folk-etymology (n.) 1882年; 参见folk(名词)+etymology。可能是翻译德语Volksetymologie(早在1852年)。这个德语词在1876年被用于英语中。 By Folk-etymology is meant the influence exercised upon words, both as to their form and meaning, by the popular use and misuse of them. In a special sense, ...
Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
The meaning of FOLK ETYMOLOGY is the transformation of words so as to give them an apparent relationship to other better-known or better-understood words (as in the change of Spanish cucaracha to English cockroach). How to use folk etymology in a sentenc
1.a modification of a linguistic form according either to a falsely assumed etymology, asWelsh rarebitfromWelsh rabbit,or to a historically irrelevant analogy, asbridegroomfrombridegome. 2.a popular but false notion of the origin of a word. ...
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folk-etymology folk-music folkways folky kinfolk menfolk Norfolk volkslied VW *pele- See all related words (14)> Advertisement Trends offolk Sharefolk ‘cite’ Etymology of folk by etymonline Harper, D. (n.d.). Etymology of folk. Online Etymology...
He went on to give a very individual interpretation of two of the most popular Azerbaijani folksongs Sari Gelin and Durna and included his reflective self-penned compositions Waiting and Muse in his set, many of which featured the sound of the Melodica, a wind-operated keyboard that makes an...
类似于 "folk" 的短语,可翻译成 加利西亚文 folk religion Relixiosidade popular folk rock folk rock Folk music Folk folk singer trobador contemporary folk music folk folk high school Universidade popular folk etymology Etimoloxía popular folk music música popular 更多(+3) ...
* The Germans call it Volksmusik, a designation which is very appropriate, and which I should have rendered folk-music, had this word been admissible. [Carl Engel, "An Introduction to the Study of National Music," London, 1866] [folk-music etymology, folk-music origin, 英语词源]...
A modification of a word or its spelling resulting from such a misunderstanding, as with island, belfry, and hangnail. false etymology noun a popular but erroneous etymology 更多 英文 词典里"folk etymology"的近义词 英文 叙词表中“folk etymology"的另一个词是etymology。 etymology 更多 folk...