Built environment The effect of large (citywide) and small (personal) scale human activity and infrastructure on the surrounding area of space. Folk culture Culture traditionally practiced by a small group of people in rural communities isolated from other groups. Folk food Common to a people of ...
Terms Artifact: Something man made that has relevance to a particular culture (ex: tools) Sociofact: The way in which people organize their society and relate to one another. (ex: customs) Taboo: The prohibition of the use or mention of something due to its nature. (ex: food taboos- Mu...
Folk Culture Popular Culture Rapid diffusion - mostly hierarchical Transmitted many ways; time- space compression plays a role Goal: make $, be noticed/ be “in” Slow diffusion - mostly relocation Customs Less taboos & rules - more choice Time important - Influenced by ↑leisure time, ↑techno...
Saul put forward a classic definition of landscape as the outcome of interactions between cultural and natural forces, namely that "the cultural landscape is fashioned from a natural landscape by a cultural group. Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, the cultural landscape the ...