【疾病名】叶酸缺乏症【英文名】folicaciddeficiency【缩写】【别名】叶酸缺乏【ICD号】E56.8【概述】叶酸缺乏症是指由于叶酸摄入不足或吸收不良引起的以巨幼红细胞性贫血为特征的临床综合征。【流行病学】目前暂无相关资料。【病因】1.摄入不足常见于营养不良、偏食、挑食或喂养不当的婴幼儿中。叶酸衍生物不耐热 食...
folic acid Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia fo·lic acid (fō′lĭk, fŏl′ĭk) n. A yellowish-orange compound, C19H19N7O6, found in nature in the form of various folates or produced synthetically, used as a dietary supplement and to fortify foods, especially wheat flour. Also ...
Folic acid stimulates hematogenic functions in the organism. In animal and plant tissues it takes part—in reduced form, that is, in the form of tetrahydrofolic acid and its derivatives—in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, certain amino acids (se-rine, methionine, histidine), choli...
folate deficiency Folic acid deficiency Hematology A condition caused by a decrease in dietary folic acid, resulting in megaloblastic anermia, GI tract complaints–eg, glossitis, stomatitis, malabsorption, infertility, neural tube defects, and possibly also psychiatric complaints and peripheral neuropathy....
folic acid sodium salt 叶酸钠 ascorbic acid deficiency 抗坏血酸缺乏 genetic nicotinic acid deficiency 遗传性烟酸缺乏症 相似单词 folic 【医】叶酸 deficiency n. 1. 缺乏,不足,短缺 2. 缺点;缺陷 acid n. 1.[U,C]【化】酸 2.[U] 酸味物质 adj. 1.【术语】酸的;酸性的 2. 酸的;酸味...
Additional signs of folate deficiency include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, difficulty focusing, and fatigue. Heart health.Both folate and vitamin B12 play an essential role in changing homocysteine, an amino acid in your blood, into methionine, which is one of the essential building ...
dietery deficiencyfortificationFolic acid and its biologically active derivates (folacin or folates) rank among the B-group vitamins due to their hydrophilic character. This acid occurs in nature either in the free form or it is bound to proteins or polysaccharides. Folic acid belongs to the ...
folic acid deficiency 妊娠期间,胎儿及孕妇本身造血功能加强,红细胞分裂增殖十分旺盛,需要的叶酸增多,故易出现缺乏。有人建议在胚胎发育的最初4周,孕妇应保证摄入足够的叶酸。患有肠道吸收不良疾患、肝脏疾患以及长期使用苯妥英钠、苯巴比妥等抑制叶酸代谢的药物均可导致继发性叶酸缺乏。氨基蝶呤、氨甲蝶呤属于叶酸抗...
美 英 un.叶酸缺乏 网络缺葉酸型 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 叶酸缺乏
Folic acid is the active form of vitamin B9 and occurs naturally in many foods. Folic acid helps the body make healthy red blood cells and is vital during periods of rapid growth, such as pregnancy and foetal development. It is used to treat vitamin B9 deficiency and prevent pregnancy comp...