参考文献: Randomized Phase II Study of PARP Inhibitor ABT-888(Veliparib) with Modified FOLFIRI versus FOLFIRI as Second Line Treatment of Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: SWOG S1513. Clin Cancer Res. Sep 27 2021.
参考文献: Randomized Phase II Study of PARP Inhibitor ABT-888(Veliparib) with Modified FOLFIRI versus FOLFIRI as Second Line Treatment of Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: SWOG S1513. Clin Cancer Res. Sep 27 2021. 求臻医学 ChosenMed ...
s erll m levels for monitori ng d is eas e activity du ri ng chemo— therapy of pancreatic adenocarcinoma [ J ] .J Cancer Res Cl in O ncol ,199 1 ,1 17 :2 63 . K oprows ki H .Colorectal carcital carci noma antigens detec— ...
说明 CEA in the diagnosis and ofllowup ofpancreatic cancer 这 3种标记物在结直肠癌治疗中的变化各有侧重 。将 [J].IntBiolMarkers,1996,11(2):77. 3种标记物联合检测,各个指标之间可以取长补短,其 [9] 吴健雄,余宏迢.CEA和CA242在大肠癌诊断中的意义 与临床疗效的总符合率达 85.9%,提示 TPS、CEA...
For efficacy analysis, the primary endpoint was overall survival (OS) of all patients, excluding those with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. For safety analysis, we assessed the incidence of grade ≥3 adverse events in all patients. Results Seventy‐four patients ( mFOLFIRINOX group, n = 44;...
Exploring Zoldonrasib, Pan-RAS Inhibitors, and Future KRAS Therapies Spira on ctDNA in KRAS G12D Pancreatic Cancer and Zoldonrasib Non-Invasive Biomarkers: Key to Better Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes New Hope for Fibrolamellar Carcinoma: SUMMIT Trial FindingsRelated...
[2] LepageC,CiccolalloL,DeAngelisR,etal.Europeandis paritiesinmalignantdigestiveendocrinetumourssurvival [J].IntJCancer,2010,126(12):2928-2934. [3] SorbyeH,WelinS,LangerSW,etal.Predictiveandprog nosticfactorsfortreatmentandsurvivalin305patients withadvancedgastrointestinal...
Efficacy and Toxicity of Different Chemotherapy Regimens in the Treatment of Advanced or Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: A Network Meta‐Analysis The Gemcitabine+S-1 and FOLFIRINO regimens had better short- and long-term efficacies than the other regimens; S-1 regimen had the lowest hematologic ......
Stefano Cascinu13,14, The Italian Group for the Study of Gastrointestinal Cancer (GISCAD)19 and Mario Scartozzi2 Background: Previous findings suggested that bevacizumab might be able to improve response rate (RR) in colorectal cancer patients with high lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) basal levels. ...
abnormalities than placebo, which appeared to have a poorer safety but much more toxicities[57]. Many others clinical trials were also less than satisfactory, such as sunitinib plusprednisonefor the treatment ofprostate cancer[58], sunitinib plusgemcitabinefor the treatment ofpancreatic cancer[59], ...