Define -fold. -fold synonyms, -fold pronunciation, -fold translation, English dictionary definition of -fold. suff. 1. a. Multiplied by a specified number: a twofold increase in sales. b. Divided by a specified number: a fivefold reduction in air polluti
She made a paper airplane by using a simple series of folds. 4 technical : a bend produced in a rock layer by pressure — compare 3fold 3 fold /ˈfoʊld/ noun plural folds Britannica Dictionary definition of FOLD 1 [count] : an enclosed area for sheep 2 the fold : a...
Kids Definition fold 1 of 5noun ˈfōld 1 :a pen for sheep 2 :a group of people with a common faith or interest fold 2 of 5verb :to shut up in a fold fold 4 of 5noun 1 :a doubling or folding over 2 :a part doubled or laid over another part ...
an enclosure for sheep or, occasionally, other domestic animals. the sheep kept within it. a flock of sheep. a church. the members of a church;congregation: He preached to the fold. a group sharing common beliefs, values, etc.:
Kids Definition fold 1 of 5 noun ˈfōld 1 : a pen for sheep 2 : a group of people with a common faith or interest fold 2 of 5 verb : to shut up in a fold fold 3 of 5 verb 1 : to lay one part over or against another part fold a letter birds folding ...
the sheep kept within it. a flock of sheep. a church. the members of a church; congregation: He preached to the fold. a group sharing common beliefs, values, etc.: He rejoined the fold after his youthful escapade. verb (used with object) to confine (sheep or other domestic animals) ...
Synonym of Fold is Bend, congregation, corrugation, Crease, crimp, faithful, flexure, Flock, folding, furrow, overlap, Pen, plait, pleat, plica, plication, ply, sheepcote, sheepfold, sheep pen. What is the definition of Fold. Definition of Fold is any of various types of fold formed by ...
Why is the place I want to find always on the fold of the map? Oxford Collocations Dictionary [countable] an area in a field surrounded by a fence or wall where animals, especially sheep, are kept for safetyTopics Farmingc2 the fold [singular] a group of people who share the...
a group of sheep or goats synonyms:flock see more noun a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church synonyms:congregation,faithful see more verb confine in a fold, like sheep synonyms:pen up see more ...
The meaning of FOLD is to lay one part over another part of. How to use fold in a sentence.