Select a language: [ˈtwentɪfəʊld] A.ADV→veinteveces B.ADJ→veintevecesmayor Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
2. a large or main branch of a tree. 3. a projecting part or member: the four limbs of a cross. 4. a person or thing regarded as a part, member, branch, offshoot, or scion of something. v.t. 5. to cut the limbs from (a felled tree). 6. to dismember. Idioms: ou...
This Bill has a three-fold nature: Ce projet de loi comporte trois volets: UN-2 What really needs to be achieved is a four-fold increase in proportionate share rather than a doubling. C’est une multiplication par quatre de leur part relative et non plus un doublement qu’il faut ...
We used this approach to design protein sequences that adopt distinct folds when connected in a single chain (the parent) or when expressed separately or cleaved into two chains by a protease (child A and child B) (Fig. 5a). At each timestep, xt, we use RoseTTAFold to model the full...
Bill tray structure of the two-fold wallet which features PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To solve problems in the structure of a billfold part of a conventional double-folded purse, problems in which bills sometimes fall when the purse is carried because the upper part of the pocket of the billfold ...
Fold 6. Initial reports indicated that this special edition foldable wouldn't support the S Pen stylus, unlike its counterpart. However, a new leak from a reliable source suggests that Samsung might have found a way to incorporate S Pen support into the Galaxy Z Fold Special Edition...
HENIKA, BillGeologic Maps Digital Geologic Maps & Derivatives
3b. In this spectrum, the off-diagonal cross- peaks reflect pairs of carbons that are connected via one or two bonds. Despite the amorphous appearance of the aggregates, the spectrum shows many well-resolved peaks with remarkably nar- row peak widths. The narrow linewidths indicate a high ...
aBought this as a replacement for my wife's laptop that died unexpectedly. Wanted something that would be good for home office productivity and easy internet browsing. This fit the bill just fine. Performance has not disappointed, and the touch screen has been easy to get used to. Only real...
After a 3.5-year blockade, diplomatic relations have finally been restored between Qatar and its GCC neighbors. The “unity and stability” Al-Ula Declaration signed at the 41st GCC Summit this month was a welcome step forward, and there is widespread op