Noun1.folacin- a B vitamin that is essential for cell growth and reproduction folate,folic acid,pteroylglutamic acid,pteroylmonoglutamic acid,vitamin Bc,vitamin M B complex,B vitamin,B-complex vitamin,vitamin B,vitamin B complex,B- originally thought to be a single vitamin but now separated ...
Mean ascorbic acid content of raw, microwave cooked and conventionally cooked spinach was 26.5 mg/lOOg, 13.5 mg/l00g, and 17.0 mg/lOOg, respectively. Ascorbic acid content was decreased significantly by both cooking methods; retention was 47% in microwave and 51% in conventionally cooked spinach...
为了更深入地研究内循环(IC)厌氧反应器的启动条件,以某酒精生产企业的综合废水处理工程为研究对象,进行了IC反应器的启动研究,废水水质COD为11500mg/L;BOD5为6000mg/L;pH3。 更多例句>> 3) integrated wastewater 综合废水 1. Here introduced are the properties,process flow chart and engineering installation...
This was done 1-2 hours and 2-12 hours after intramuscular administration (IM) of singly: a) nicotinamide (100 mg), b) folic acid (5 mg), c) (B 6) pyridoxine HCl (25 mg), d) calcium pantothenate (25 mg), e) biotin (0.2 mg), f) 1.0 mg cyanocobalamin (B 12), g) 50 mg...