If you have one of the following interfaces, downloadMix Control- the driver will be installed at the same time. Scarlett 1st Generation6i6, 8i6, 18i6, 18i8, 18i20 AllSaffireinterfaces The following interfaces don't need control software but need a driver: Scarlett 2nd GenSolo, 2i2, 2i4...
THE SECOND GENERATION SCARLETT 2i4 IS CLASS COMPLIANT FOR MACS, THEREFORE DRIVER INSTALLATION IS NOT NECESSARY. Software Installation All software required by the Scarlett 2i4 - and several powerful and useful extras - is available for download from the Focusrite website /register. You will find a...
No Driver Required Bundled Products Bass StationScarlett Plugin Suite MyKVR: Groups, Versions, ... 37 KVR members have added Scarlett 2i4 to 6MyKVRgroups 40 times. Not In Your MY KVR Groups (or group limitation prevents versioning) +6 in private groups ...
FocusritePCIeSwRoot.sys 是一个可执行PE文件,它属于驱动程序的一部分,当系统装载驱动程序时,此文件会跟随着驱动程序一起运行。它是一个64位程序文件,适用于64位操作系统。 在没有为设备安装驱动程序之前,操作系统是无法直接操控设备的,系统必须使用驱动程序对硬件设备发出对应的指令,才能操作各种设备。 然而,不同的...