(1997) The meaning of topic and focus: The 59th street bridge accent. Routledge, London Book Google Scholar Büring, D. To appear. What’s new and (what’s given) in the theory of focus? In Proceedings of the 34th Berkeley Linguistics Society Meeting (2008), Berkeley, CA. Chierchia G...
1 These focus markers are considered calques, replicating the pattern of emphatic clitics common to many Indian languages (e.g., Hindi enclitics hii, and bhii) [46], and are examples of the grammaticalization of focus markers in IE. 2 NP: noun phrase, PP: prepositional phrase. Languages ...
Since docker can not access host fs directly, we mount a volume from the directory containing the files to scan to/projectin the container. Simply pass the options and path to the file relative to the mounted path. Test Run imtihaan (meaningExamin Hindi) with the name of the Agent. ...