1. 聚焦超声 3.2聚焦超声(focused ultrasound)具有组织穿透性和能量可聚集性的特点,使其可靶向性作用于某一组织或器官的设定位点… www.chinaqking.com|基于8个网页 2. 超声聚焦 ...adiofrequency ablation),超声聚焦(Focused ultrasound) ④冷冻(TCT, Cryotherapy) ⑤无水酒精注射(PEI, percutaneous ethan… ...
(high intensity focused ultrasound, HIFU)简称海扶刀。高强度聚焦超声治疗,是将体外多束低能量超声波聚焦于体内靶区,形成高强度的声能焦点,从而产生多种生物学效应,依此达到治疗疾病的目的。 1942年,首先由美国lynn提出超声外科的概念,利用超声波技术进行无创性肿瘤"切除(ablation)"治疗。世界卫生组织(WHO)将高强度...
根据研究团队介绍:endovascular focused ultrasound主要由可植入换能器、可植入控制器两部分组成。 可植入换能器通过血管介入方式植入到预定脑部血管,类似于放置血管支架。 可植入控制器类似于起搏器,植入到患者胸部。可植入控制器将为可植入换能器供电,并控制超声能力释放。 endovascular focused ultrasound的核心技术在于可...
高强度聚焦超声hifu是一种先进的技术手段具有无创非侵入性的特点患者依从性好对ps评分要求低在实体瘤如肝癌胰腺癌直肠癌等治疗中应用广泛相较于常规治疗方案如手术射频介入等hifu具有安全性高可重复治疗等优势值得临床医生在临床上选择应用 一文了解高强度聚焦超声(highintensityfocusedultrasound,HIFU) 高强度聚焦超声(high...
磁共振引导聚焦超声治疗系统Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound,a)操作控制台(含FUS工作站、FUS工作站显示器和操作员控制台),b)患者床(含换能器和机械定位单元),c)前端柜(FE),d)机柜(含PCDU隔离变压器),e)冷却系统(含冷却装置、水循环泵和真空泵),f)配件:立
Theraclion is a French medical device company committed to developing a non-invasive alternative to surgery through the innovative use of focused ultrasound: echotherapy.
Focused Ultrasound is a minimally invasive, precision treatment of essential tremor with a mouse click. Check treatment eligibility and reclaim your life!
focused ultrasound surgery名词 【医】对焦超音波外科手术相关短语 focused ultrasound surgery focused ultrasound surgery n. 【医】对焦超音波外科手术 移植外科手术 transplant surgery N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) N. P. N. 【...
‘Focused ultrasound’ (FUS) is a term used to describe a range of techniques using high intensity ultrasound in medical treatment. It is not new – the first patient treatment was recorded in 1957 but for many years, the technology was considered unwieldy and of limited usefulness since it ...
Focused ultrasound surgery (FUS) is a relatively recent technique that relies on mechanical and thermal energy of ultrasound for the ablation of a target tissue under an imaging guidance, that can be either ultrasound (US-guided FUS, USgFUS) or magnetic resonance (MR-guided FUS, MRgFUS). ...