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Forums are weekly gatherings of men where the only agenda is to encourage each other to meet the pressing demands of our personal, family and business lives using God’s principles of maximum manhood from the Bible. Learn More Grip Discipleship ...
there are thousands of promises for you in the Bible. When your kids remind you of the promises you’ve made to them, it can be frustrating. But God loves to have his Word quoted back to him.
The Bible specifically calls older women to teach younger women. We see in Titus 2 that this is God’s good design for younger women. We can learn what is true from the godly women who are further along in life. We need their help. 4. Confess When you Sin We do not have to fear ...
Hebrews 6:12 … to be like those who believe and are patient, and so receive what God has promised. Ten studies on how positive bible-based faith helps us to tap into God’s practical and perfect solutions for our lives. This free ebook is “prayer-ware”, that is we ask you to “...
What God calls sin in the Bible it is now ACCEPTED in Christianity. Imagine going to a “Christian” event and hearing the phrase “Drinking is permitted but in moderation” We have so many claimed born-again believers living on the fenceline between Christ and the World and do not realize...
God Made it.In the first verse of the Bible we learn that God made the earth and the heavens in one swoop. In one sentence earth and all above the earth was created. But what is it and where is it? Well that’s something I don’t know. I told a friend recently that “it’s ...
The Bible and wristband Revive use to share the Gospel were a great help to communicate the good news in a way he could understand. We prayed with him and for him. When we left he was sitting on the swing reading the Bible we had just given him. The hour and a half encounter became...
Worship God:Worship God and give Him thanks, regardless of the circumstance. I know this is hard. Gideon worshiped God for God’s answered prayer and victory. Easy, right? But the Bible says we are to give thanks in everything. That includes the hard things. The tragedies. (1 Thessaloni...
This site serves two main purposes Spreading the gospel to all nations The Bible says in Mark 16:15,16 that "Go ye into all the world and, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be dam