focus to-do(小番茄工作法)是一款专为提升用户专注力与工作效率而设计的安卓软件。它巧妙融合了番茄工作法这一经典时间管理技巧,通过设定25分钟的工作时间和5分钟的休息时间,帮助用户有效规划、追踪并记录工作与学习进度,让用户能够轻松管理时间,提升自我。 app功能 1. 待办事项管理:用户可轻松创建、编辑待办事项,设置...
Focus To-Do syncs between your phone and computer, so you can access your lists from anywhere. How it works: 1. Pick a task you need to accomplish. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes, keep focused and start working. 3. When the pomodoro timer rings, take a 5 minute break. ...
Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done. It brings Pomodoro Technique and To Do List into one place, you can capture and organize tasks into your todo lists, start focus timer and focus...
番茄习惯(focus to do) v1.1.3 安卓版 番茄习惯(focus to do)是一款界面非常简约精美的手机打卡软件,在这里用户可以记录自己的生活,建立结合自身情况的习惯养成计划,让自己成为更有规律更有好习惯的人,可以通过软件来记录自己的坚持,还可以奖励自己,欢迎有需要的用户来IT猫扑下载!
Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done. It brings Pomodoro Technique and To Do List into one place, you can capture and organize tasks into your t
好运再次降临!在App Store找番茄工作法软件的时候,我输入pomo,偷懒直接选了系统推荐的Pomodoro,头一个跳出来的就是Focus To-Do: Pomodoro & Tasks —— 结合了番茄工作法和待办清单的工具,可以在手机和电脑之间同步。 而且能以图形化的方式,以多个维度统计完成任务所花费的番茄时间。
(沉迷优秀App不能自拔小组) 实用工具|时间管理、思维导图、辅助记忆(持更) (大龄考证一族小组) 懒人心得|从番茄钟倒着用摸索出的无痛学习法 (懒人生活指北小组) 高阶技巧|用Notion搭建个人知识库(22.2.10 完成度<5%) (Notion Workspace小组) emo升学考|最适合文科的背诵方法原来是anki(很简单的软件)...
TaskFocus allows you to easily and conveniently focus on tasks and activities, while also keeping track of the time spent on them. The app will be very useful for those who constantly plan things in their mind, whether they are personal tasks or work-
The team has designed sparkly virtual makeup looks for the Brazilian market during Carnival, and colorful cosmetics for Indian users who love to dress in bright colors on important occasions. Meitu created a lighter version of its apps for India, where many users do not have the bandwidth to ...
If nobody has responded to your issue in a few days, you're welcome to respond to it with a friendly ping in the issue. Please do not respond more than a second time if nobody has responded. The GitHub Desktop maintainers are constrained in time and resources, and diagnosing individual...