Focus To-Do在当天任务的界面顶端,有一个专门的信息栏,提供当天需完成的任务数量,预估时间,实际记录时间和完成的任务4项信息。每当忙碌的一天结束时,回顾一下今天的成绩,或满足,或失落,全在此刻画上一个句号。 作为一款具备番茄钟功能的软件,Focus To-Do还可以让使用者按照自己的习惯,调节番茄钟专注时段,小憩和休...
Focus To-Do syncs between your phone and computer, so you can access your lists from anywhere. How it works: 1. Pick a task you need to accomplish. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes, keep focused and start working. 3. When the pomodoro timer rings, take a 5 minute break. ...
Focus To-Do user reviews : Great for breaking up all the subjects I have to study for. Helps me remember to take breaks and move. Also I don’t have to think about what I should be doing because I’ve already scheduled a task that’s due a certain day. Love it so far I bought ...
Focus To-Do syncs between your phone and computer, so you can access your lists from anywhere. How it works: 1. Pick a task you need to accomplish. 2. Set a timer for 25 minutes, keep focused and start working. 3. When the pomodoro timer rings, take a 5 minute break. ...
Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done. It brings Pomodoro Technique and To Do List into one place, you can capture and organize tasks into your t
TaskFocus allows you to easily and conveniently focus on tasks and activities, while also keeping track of the time spent on them. The app will be very useful for those who constantly plan things in their mind, whether they are personal tasks or work-
TaskFocus allows you to easily and conveniently focus on tasks and activities, while also keeping track of the time spent on them. The app will be very useful for those who constantly plan things in their mind, whether they are personal tasks or work-
the new findings do highlight the benefits offocusingon our food and avoiding TV and multitasking while eating. 出自-2013年12月阅读原文 Many policy measures to control obesity(肥胖症)assume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and thereforefocuson providing infor...
InTurn on do not disturb automatically, selectDuring these timesto turn it on. Set the times for whenDo not disturbshould automatically turn on and off, and how often it should repeat. You can also choose the types of tasks that will turn onDo not disturbautomatically. ...
If nobody has responded to your issue in a few days, you're welcome to respond to it with a friendly ping in the issue. Please do not respond more than a second time if nobody has responded. The GitHub Desktop maintainers are constrained in time and resources, and diagnosing individual...