外媒Windows Latest 报道,Windows 11 正在获得一项名为“Focus Sessions”的新功能,这是一个简单而有效的生产力系统,将阻止你拖延或分心,因此你可以专注于完成工作。 Focus Sessions 功能是操作系统原生时钟应用程序的一部分,其想法很简单:设置一个计时器,从微软 To Do 待办事项中挑选你的任务,选择你喜欢的音乐,然后...
Aside from Focus sessions, the Clock app in Windows 11 is almost identical to the one on Windows 11. You can set alarms, timers, use a stopwatch, or see a world clock highlighting cities of your choice. However, there are some noteworthy changes compared to Windows 10, specifically in te...
Focus works with Focus sessions in the Clock app. You’ll be able to play music and see tasks from Microsoft To-Do. Note that if you’ve uninstalled the Clock app, you’ll need to install it to use Focus sessions. Get the Clock app from the Microsoft Store When you start a Focus ...
If you are using the latest build ofWindows 11, you might have already seen a new feature calledFocus sessions. It is included in the Clock app, and it helps you focus on your work for a long time and stay productive. Here is how you can enable and use Focus sessions in Windows 11....
全新的时钟应用程序不仅有新的视觉效果,使其在 Windows 11 中看起来很漂亮,它还包括一个非常令人兴奋的主要新功能:Focus Sessions。 《微软 Panos Panay 自曝 Win11 全新功能:Focus Sessions,属于闹钟和时钟一部分》 保持专注和高效真的很有挑战性。微软表示,随着混合工作和学习成为常态,专注于数字健康从未像现在这样...
Focus Sessions 是一个简单的实用程序,可以阻止应用程序和网站。它可以用作家长控制系统或自我控制工具。使计算机对您的孩子和日常工作更加安全。 您可以对《Focus Sessions》进行密码保护,并保持设置对您的孩子是私密的。应用程序将配置存储在一个无法访问的位置,没有
in Windows 10 Gaming Pausing and resuming break timers during Focus Sessions resets the entire session back to...: Issue: Pausing and resuming break timers during Focus Sessions resets the entire session back to the first period.App: Windows ClockSummary: I tried the "Reset" and "Repair" fu...
Not only does the new Clock app have new visuals so that it looks beautiful in Windows 11, it also includes a major new feature we’re really excited about: Focus Sessions! Another first look from the team…#FocusSessionson#Windows11coming soon. This has been ...
Focus is a new feature in Windows 11 that helps you minimize distractions. To help you stay on track, it integrates with the Clock app with features like a focus timer and music integration. Note:Do not disturb has replaced focus assist from Windows 10. For more info on focus ...
➡ Focus Sessions customization As no app or feature is complete without the user’s ability to customize its settings, the Focus Sessions feature from Windows 11 offers a variety of options. End of session alarm– alarm that goes off whenever your Focus Sessions end ...