Occurs after an element loses focus. The onfocusout event bubbles up (unlike the onblur event), so if you want to detect whether an element or its child loses focus, it is sufficient to listen for the onfocusout event of the element.
Occurs before an element loses the focus. The DOMFocusOut event bubbles up (unlike the onblur event), so if you want to detect whether an element or its child loses focus, it is sufficient to listen for the DOMFocusOut event of the element.
可以使用 focusin和 focusout事件 ——与 focus/blur事件完全一样,只是它们会冒泡。 注意:必须使用 elem.addEventListener来分配它们,而不是 on<event>。 所以,这是另一个可行的变体: 复制 .focused { outline: 1px solid red; } form.addEventListener("focusin", () => form.classList.add('focus...
Properties view : Window readonly Instance Methods initUIEvent(type : String, bubbles : Boolean, cancelable : Boolean, view : Window, detail : Number) : undefined FocusEvent Properties detail : Number readonly home license contribute feedback toggle light/dark mode Copyright © JavaScripture ...
Learn about the focusout event, including its type, syntax, and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.
方案二,可以使用focusin和focusout事件 ——与focus/blur事件完全一样,只是它们会冒泡。 值得注意的是,必须使用elem.addEventListener来分配它们,而不是on<event>。 所以,这是另一个可行的变体: .focused { outline: 1px solid red; } form.addEventListener...
Event 模块是 Zepto 必备的模块之一,由于对 Event Api 不太熟,Event 对象也比较复杂,所以乍一看 Event 模块的源码,有点懵,细看下去,其实也不太复杂。 读Zepto源码 即
el.onfocusin = focusHandler;//IE不支持捕获阶段,但是支持focusin和focusout这两个事件,这两个事件本身就是冒泡的。因此父元素能获得目标元素的focus和blur事件 el.onfocusout = blurHandler; } 当然另外一种写法是: if("onfocusin" in form){ addEvent(form,"focusin",focusHandler,false);//第一个参数为绑...
Description:Bind an event handler to the "focus" event. version added:1.7.on( "focus" [, eventData ], handler ) "focus" Type:string The string"focus". eventData Type:Anything An object containing data that will be passed to the event handler. ...
// form.addEventListener(realEvent('focus'), callback, false);//focus不会向上冒泡,这样写不会触发回调 代码比较少,下面说一下重点。 zepto的处理focus事件注册流程大致如下 为了有事件冒泡以完成事件委派,一般情况下zepto用focusin、focusout代替focus、blur 在浏览器不支持focusin...