Unit 8 Focus on Global WarmingJohn Weier Twentyfive years ago if you made a trip to the local library and perused the pe
focusonglobalwarming全文翻译许多科学家担心温室气体浓度的增加会阻碍地球上多余的热辐射的散发实质上这些气体正在阻碍大气能量的散发这和汽车挡风玻璃阻碍阳光热量进入车内的原理差不多 focusonglobalwarming全文翻译 25年前,如果你走进当地一家图书馆想细读一些跟全球变暖有关的书时,你可能只会从核心科学杂志上找到点...
Unit 8 Focus on Global Warming John Weier Twenty-five years ago if you made a trip to the local library and perused the periodical section for articles on global warming, you’d probably have come up with only a few abstracts from hardcore science journals or maybe a blurb in some ...
Unit-8-Focus-on-Global-Warming课文翻译综合教程二.doc,Unit 8 Focus on Global Warming John Weier Twenty-five years ago if you made a trip to the local library and perused the periodical section for articles on global warming, you’d probably have come up w
Unit-8-Focus-on-Global-Warming课文翻译综合教程二.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Unit-8-Focus-on-Global-Warming课文翻译综合教程二.pdf VIP免费下载 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 下载提示 1、该文档为VIP文档,如果想要下载,成为VIP会员后,下载免费。
Unit8FocusonGlobalWarming课文翻译综合教程二4页 卖家[上传人]:tang***xu3 文档编号:168704205 上传时间:2021-02-20 文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:35.19KB最后一页预览完了!喜欢就下载吧,查找使用更方便 10 金贝 下载/ 4 举报 版权申诉 马上下载 下载提示 常见问题 1、金锄头文库是“C2C”交易模式,即卖家上传的...
asteriod/#*st2r0id/:[天]小行星。4. spew:放出,发出。与下一段的spit out意思相同。5. harbinger/#ha:bind32(r)/:前兆,预示。6. 倘若我们不控制温室气体的排放量,地势低的国家可能被海水淹没,全球的降水和干旱情况也会改变,飓风将变得更加频繁,而厄尔尼诺现象也会更加明显。greenhouse...
unit 8 Focus on global warming GlobalWarming •GlobalwarmingistheincreaseintheaveragetemperatureoftheEarth‘snearsurfaceairandoceanssincethemid-20thcenturyanditsprojectedcontinuation.•Globalsurfacetemperatureincreased0.74+0.18°Cduringthe100yearsendingin2005.TheIntergovernmentalPanelonClimateChange(IPCC)...