Plural word forfocus The plural form offocuscan be eitherfocuses,focusses, orfoci(pronounced [foh-sahy] or [foh-kahy ]).Focusesis the most commonly used plural form in nontechnical contexts in American English, whilefocusesis the most common in nontechnical contexts in British English. The pl...
Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
Analysis of the classroom interactions show that there was a functional need to attend to plural -s (but not copula be) only in the FonF classroom.doi:10.1002/tesq.166Natsuko ShintaniTESOL QuarterlyShintani, N. (2015). The incidental grammar acquisition in focus on form and focus on forms ...
attention to the single or plural form of the words. First, you can make ten sentences. Ss ask questions using the words in the boxes then write down the words in the chart. 3. Let some Ss read their questions. Then check the answers. 4. Let Ss say the rules: ① the/this/...
While reactive focus on form (FonF) has been addressed extensively in the literature, preemptive FonF has not attracted the attention it deserves. To fill in part of this gap in the English-language teaching (ELT) context, the present study was conducted
1.Write the plural form of these words: orange, chicken, salad, ice-cream, watch, table, strawberry, grape, cake, photo, tomato, radio, hero. 2.List the food you like and dislike as many as possible, and compete with your classmates. 3.Say the healthy food you like and unhealthy ...
attention to the single or plural form of the words. First, you can make ten sentences. Ss ask questions using the words in the boxes then write down the words in the chart. 3. Let some Ss read their questions. Then check the answers. 4. Let Ss say the rules: ① the/...
The meaning of FOCUS LAMP is an incandescent lamp having a filament coiled or crumpled into a spiral or zigzag form so that the light, being concentrated in a small space, can be brought into the focus of a lens or mirror.
(real focus), or diverge from (virtual focus) after passing through a concave lens.2.The centre or starting point of a disease process.3.To adjust an optical system (e.g. camera or projector) in order to obtain a sharp image.Plural: foci.Syn.focusing.Seeconfocal;principal focus;focal ...
八上unit 8 grammar focus Unit8Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake?Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake?bananas.Peelthebananas.CutupthePutthebananasandice-creamintheblender.Turnontheblender.Pourthemilkintotheblender.Finally,drinkthemilkshake.howmany+可数名词复数+一般疑问句howmuch+不可数名词复数+一般疑问句(2)howmuch...