a跨国公司为了集中现金管理,对于母,子公司以及子公司之间购销业务,劳务服务等产生的结算活动,为了减少外汇暴露风险和资金转移成本,国际企业可以在全国范围内对公司内部的收付款项进行综合调度,抵消一部分收付款额度,只将抵消后的净额进行结算,这种方法叫做净额结算 In order to the multinational corporation the centralized...
in Table 3 in MEXT (2019, 9) Table 6.6 The daily languages of the Japanese students enrolled in public elementary and junior high schools who need instructions on the Japanese language learning as of 2018 The daily languages of the Japanese students Filipino Japanese Chinese English Portuguese ...
(Traditional) |co CorsuCorsican |hr HrvatskiCroatian |cs češtinaCzech |da danskDanish |nl NederlandsDutch |en-us EnglishEnglish |EO EsperantoEsperanto |et EestlaneEstonian |tl PilipinoFilipino |fi SuomalainenFinnish |fr françaisFrench |fy FryskFrisian |gl GalegoGalician |ka ქართ...