When people want to earn some extra money in a non-conventional way, it’s understandable to have concerns and ask whether you’re getting into something legit or not. When it comes to Apex Focus Group, looking at their professional website with over 50,000 members, it can be said that ...
My Focus Factor Review (2025) – Scam Or Legit? It's time formy Focus Factor review– which is one of the most popular nootropics: it's been on the market for many years lots of customers behind several versions of the product But is this supplement really that good? After digging deep...
Conclusion:We’d stay away from this one. It’s not clear whether Apex Focus Group is a scam or is legitimate. The lack of user reviews combined with strange inconsistencies on their website definitely raises some eyebrows. If you’re looking for legitimate focus group opportunities, we sugges...
security status of Assfocus.com we use data openly available on the Web, thus we cannot guarantee that no scam sites might have been mistakenly considered legit and no fraud or PC issues may occur in this regard. But usually the crowdsourced data we have is pretty accurate. Let's see it...