HtmlElement.Focus 方法 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: System.Windows.Forms 組件: System.Windows.Forms.dll 將使用者輸入焦點放在目前的項目。 C# 複製 public void Focus (); 備註 將焦點設定在元素上時,會提供該元素焦點,並使它成為使用中元素;例如,具有焦點的專案將會由 的 HtmlDocument 屬性傳 ...
Learn about the HTMLElement.focus() method, including its syntax, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.
Give focus to an element: document.getElementById("myAnchor").focus(); Try it Yourself » Give focus to a text field: document.getElementById("myText").focus(); Try it Yourself » Give focus to a text field when the document has been loaded: ...
HTML DOM focus() 方法元素对象实例 为<a> 元素设置焦点: document.getElementById("myAnchor").focus(); 尝试一下» 定义和使用focus() 方法用于为元素设置焦点(如果可以设置)。提示:使用blur() 方法来移除元素焦点。浏览器支持方法 focus() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes...
JS: We want to add 'focus' class when element get focused, in the meanwhile, we only apply focus class to the element which has 'nextElementSibling' which is <ul class="submenu"> const topMenuLinks = document.querySelectorAll(".menu__link"); ...
Move the focus to the previously focused element for dialog.close()… 8959353 sefeng211mentioned this issueMar 25, 2021 sefeng211added a commit to sefeng211/html that referenced this issueApr 6, 2021 Move the focus to the previously focused element for dialog.close() ...
In an HTML document, an element must receive focus from the user in order to become active and perform its tasks. For example, users must set input focus on a link in order to follow it. Similarly, users must give a textarea focus in order to enter text into it....
initialFocus{HTMLElement | SVGElement | string | false | undefined | (() => HTMLElement | SVGElement | string | false | undefined)}: By default (whenundefinedor the function returnsundefined), when a focus trap is activated, the active element will receive focus if it's in the trap, ...
ActiveElement is null, stelt u de eigenschap innerHTML op het lichaam door het aanroepen van document.body.setActive(), afhankelijk van uw situatie. Status Microsoft heeft bevestigd dat dit probleem kan optreden in de Microsoft-producten die worden vermeld in de sectie 'Van to...
Elementos da API relacionados FOCUS_IN FOCUS_OUT KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE flash.display.FocusDirection Detalhes do método clone ()método override public function clone():Event Versão da linguagem:ActionScript 3.0 Versões de runtime:AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9, Flash Lite 4 ...