Focus Stacking utility that can merge multiple shots with shallow depth of field into a single image. The app is designed for 48 bpp RGB processing (16 bits per channel), can automatically align images in a stack and performs a wavelet fusion to minim
Focus is Windows feature designed to help you stay on task by minimizing distractions. Whether you're working on an important project, studying for an exam, or simply need some uninterrupted time, Focus can help you maintain your concentration and productivity. How Focus works Focus works...
Install Windows Clock How to use Focus You can start a Focus session in different ways. Expand each section to learn more: When you start a focus session, a focus timer appears on screen. To use additional focus tools in the Clock app, expand the focus timer to get the full view of ...
focusnote,一般又称专注笔记。 focusnote(专注笔记)是一款精致的学习笔记软件,iOS、Mac、Windows通用,可折叠段落、多种高亮颜色、支持 LaTeX 数学公式、外框、拟真的笔记本及分页、分组管理,一切为了让您更简单地做出高可读性的学习笔记! 软件特色 折叠及展开 针对不同的标题段落,点击“H1/H2/H3”段落符号即可折叠...
Focus Boosteris a simple app that helps encouragetime managementfor all of your tasks. Based on the Pomodoro Technique, which breaks up tasks into periods of work of 25 minute intervals (also known as "pomodoros"), Focus Booster is a super simple and lightweight app that runs onAdobe Air...
A fully featured productivity timer for the command line, based on the Pomodoro Technique. Supports Linux, Windows, and macOS. - ayoisaiah/focus
To enable it:In your app's constructor, call the AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily property and check whether the current device family is Windows.Xbox. If the device family is Windows.Xbox, set the Application.FocusVisualKind property to FocusVisualKind.Reveal....
To enable it:In your app's constructor, call the AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily property and check whether the current device family is Windows.Xbox. If the device family is Windows.Xbox, set the Application.FocusVisualKind property to FocusVisualKind.Reveal....
GitHub Desktopis an open-sourceElectron-based GitHub app. It is written inTypeScriptand usesReact. Where can I get it? Download the official installer for your operating system: macOS macOS (Apple silicon) Windows Windows machine-wide install ...
Windows 11 Build 26100 การค้นหา Windows WinRT Namespaces Windows.AI.MachineLearning Windows.AI.MachineLearning.Preview Windows.ApplicationModel Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation Windows.ApplicationModel.AppExtensions Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments...