Focke Wulf 190 1 48 - Part 1 - Auxiliary Fuel Tank Focke Wulf 190 1 48 - Part 2 - The Cockpit Focke Wulf 190 1 48 - Part 3 - Black Basing Technique Focke Wulf 190 1 48 - Part 4 - Decals and Wash Focke Wulf 190 1 48 - Part 5 - Chipping and Oils Focke Wulf 190 1 48 -...
Resin parts removal and clean-up is probably the most demanding part of the project. Most of the parts may be removed using a razor saw (the photo below shows one of the engine parts though – not the cockpit)… …or even a pair of sprue cutters… …but some parts, such as the mai...
Auto Credit Based on AdlerSteiner's Fw-190 Controls: AG5 + VTOL - Canopy Trim - Flaps Features: SC250 bomb Realistic Cockpit Interior ( Credit to SpiritusRaptor for the instruments ) Realistic Control Surfaces Open/Closeable Canopy Custom Landing Gears Realistic Engine Photos: the canopy ...
The D-11 variant of the venerable Focke-Wulf 190 was designed as a much-improved low-level interceptor fighter refinement of the "Langnasen Dora", incorporating many of the features found on the powerful Ta 152.Based on rebuilt Fw 190A-8 airframes the D-11 mounted a new 35-litre Jumo ...
Fit was pretty good and most of the attention was directed at fixing a few things and making improvement to the more glaring errors or deficiencies. Improvements The Verlinden resin cockpit and PE detail set was used. The PE fret had buckles but no belts and no instructions at all on placem...
s jet fighter programmes. As such, the Fw 190 Strahljäger project would come to an end either in very late 1942 or early 1943, after only two or three months of development time. The original intent to replace the BMW 801 with a turbojet failed, and the Fw 190 program would evolve...
The history of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 is well documented so I will just concentrate on the D-13. The D-13 was a further development of the basic D-9. Re-engined with the Jumo 213, the D-13 required a larger supercharger intake, the same type used by the Ta-152. The engine was...
Fw 190 Trainer Marks As with any frontline fighter mounts, specialized trainer versions of the Fw 190 were ultimately required and realized. This was initially fulfilled through the Fw 190A-5/U1 mark which saw a second cockpit added under an all-new, awkward-looking, canopy assembly. These we...
And this is the same Focke-Wulf Fw 190, you could already see it on the forum, and maybe even you were inspired by my airplane. Thank you very much to those who supported me with a voice or a commentary, your support is my motivation to make an airplane and do it qualitatively, in...
Photoalbum by homusbrencus in scale 1:72: Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 I> JG. 2 Sorau (Early Production)