Methods : Using long-term surface video-EEG recordings, we examined 28 patients (from a consecutive series of 64) with stereotyped FSSs and complex partial seizures (CPS) preceded in at least one instance by identical subjective manifestations (overall 255 FSSs and 39 CPS were recorded). FSSs ...
First, we included patients with FCD with a clinical presentation of seizures. Thus, we cannot ex- clude the possibility that alterations in structural con- nectivity and structural co-variance network in patients with FCD might have been caused by symptoms of seizures or ASMs. A previous study...
apnea and clonic seizures of the left or right extremities at 1 month; seizure-free between 3 to 11 months; clonic seizures of one extremity evolving into other extremities, hyperventilation, tonic extension of the arms with apnea since 11 months Generalized high-voltage slow background of 2 Hz...
Neurodevelopmental delay and focal seizures as presenting symptoms of human immunodeficiency virus I infection. Eur J Pediatr 1989;148:315±17.Habibi P, Strobel S, Smith I, Hyland K, Howells D, Holzel H, Brett, EM, Wilson J, Morgan G, Levinsky RJ. Neurodevelopmental delay and focal seizures...
Perfusion computed tomography in the diagnosis of acute focal neurological symptoms: Ischaemic stroke vs. seizuresPerfusion computed tomography in the diagnosis of acute focal neurological symptoms: Ischaemicstroke vs. seizures. K. Kubiak-Balcerewicz: Affiliations. Affiliations. Witold Orłowski Independent...