5 An experiment in Physics to find the focal length, fm, o f a lens, requires the student to place an object at a distance, um, from the lens and to record the distance, vm, at which the image is seen on the other side o f the lens. The table below shows some results.u0.1500...
focal length or focal distance n (General Physics) the distance from the focal point of a lens or mirror to the reflecting surface of the mirror or the centre point of the lens Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994,...
Due to physics, a lens with a shorter focal length has a wider angle of view, and one with a longer focal length has a narrower angle of view. And that’s how we came to use focal length to describe the angle of view of a lens!
(physics) the distance between the centre of a mirror or alensand itsfocus Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. Seefocal lengthin the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary ...
Without getting into an in-depth physics discussion, the focal length of a lens is an optical property of the lens. The exact definition is:Focal length measures the distance, in millimeters, between the “nodal point” of the lens and the camera’s sensor. ...
Focal length modulation based on a metallic slit surrounded with grooves in curved depths According to the numerical calculation, the relative phase of emitting light scattered by surface plasmon in a single subwavelength metallic groove can be ... H Shi,C Du,X Luo - 《Applied Physics Letters》...
The application of multiple-beam shearing interferometry to lens focal-length measurement is described. A coated shearing plate interferometer was used in transmission to produce sharp multiple-beam fringes that rotate as the collimation of the incoming wave front from the lens under test changes. The...
In the figures above, f is located at the focal point of each lens. True or False: The lens in Fig. b is a converging lens. A concave mirror is placed to the left of a convex mirror and the distance between the two mirrors if 4f. Both mirrors have a focal length of f (positiv...
(redirected from Front focal length)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical. focal length, distance the distance from the focal point of a lens or mirror to the reflecting surface of the mirror or the centre point of the lens Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © Harper...
equivalent focal length n (General Physics)opticsthe ratio of the size of an image of a small distant object near the optical axis to the angular distance of the object in radians Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...