………. 4_Algorithm(控制算法层) 01_ParaEstimate(极对数、电阻、电感、负载、转动惯量、反电势系数等辨识) 02_Self_Tuning(机械电气零位自整定,电流环、速度环等参数自整定) 03_Control(FOC算法,解耦、补偿、抑制抖动、弱磁、DTC、自抗扰、滑模……) 04_Sensorless(观测器、PLL、高频注入……) ………. 5...
打开 电机控制软件开发套件(Motor Control WorkBench),创建新项目。 单击"New Project"按钮,弹出"New Project"对话框。 在“General Info” 菜单中进行设置: 在“Project name” 输入项目名称,例如 “IHM03_05”; 在“Num.Motors” 选择电机数量为 单电机:1 Motor; 在“Driving Algorithm” 选择驱动控制算法为 ...
Motor Control Blockset™ examples use current reference (Iq_ref, instead of torque referenceT_ref) as the speed controller output because of considerations related to the per-unit (PU) computations. The example algorithm selects the base values for current and torque (Iq_baseandT_base) such ...
2. Function Description The PMSM Motor Control Development Kits with Field Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm provided by GigaDevice supports multi-series MCUs, and has a strong compatibility. Moreover, the demo suites have a variety of human-machine interface. For example, the motor running state c...
FOC(Field Oriented Control)是一种电机控制算法,主要用于交流电机的矢量控制。FOC控制算法的研究例程主要包括以下几个步骤: 1. 系统建模与参数估计:首先,需要对电机进行建模,包括其数学模型和物理模型。然后,通过实验数据或仿真数据对电机的参数进行估计。 2. 电流环设计:在FOC控制系统中,电流环是一个重要的组成部分...
Secondly,thebasicprincipleofFieldOrientationControlanditsimplementation wereintroduced,andtheSpaceVectorPulseWidthModulation(SVPWM)algorithmwere describedindetail,anditstheoreticalanalysisandreasoningwerealsogiven.Moreover, inordertoexpandthebrushlessDCmotorspeedrange,inthiscontrolsystem, flux-weakeningcontrolalgorithmwere...
UM2538 – STM32 motor-control pack using the FOC algorithm for three-phase, low-voltage, and low‑current motor evaluationl, STMicroelectronics/意法半导体, 2023 许少伦等,STM32G4入门与电机控制实战,电子工业出版社,2023 版权声明: 【动手学电机驱动】是 youcans@qq 原创作品,转载必须标注原文链接:(...
UM2538 User manual STM32 motor-control pack using the FOC algorithm for three-phase, low-voltage, and low‑current motor evaluation Introduction The P-NUCLEO-IHM03 pack is a motor-control kit based on the X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 and NUCLEO...
This rotating frame makes it easier to control the motor by separating the stationary and rotating components of the magnetic field. By doing so, the control algorithm can focus on the necessary components of the magnetic field to achieve the desired performance. FOC的关键组成部分之一是使用旋转...
Control (FOC), brushless (BLDC), brushed DC and PMSM motors achieving highestcost-performance ratios.How to start1) adapt the motor parameters to your needs2) set your speed profile [rpm]3) run the simulation and check the performance of the motor control algorithm4) update the...