FOB Shipping Point: 货物一旦离开了seller的场地就属于buyer了,所以buyer负担运费 FOB Destination: ...
一、意思不同 1.Fob destination point意思:包邮。2.Fob shipping point意思:不包邮。二、用法不同 1.Fob destination point用法:destination用于具体意义时指“目的地,终点”,用于抽象意义时指人的“理想,目标”,该词常用作单数形式。2.Fob shipping point用法:ship用作动词的意思是“运送”,尤指通过水路...
Fob destination point和Fob shipping point的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1.Fob destination point意思:包邮。2.Fob shipping point意思:不包邮。二、用法不同 1.Fob destination point用法:destination用于具体意义时指“目的地,终点”,用于抽象意义时指人的“理想,目标...
FOB价格条款的概念就是装货港交货,卖方在装货港交货后的责任和一切费用均由买方负责。FOB只能是装货港,即LOADING PORT交货,不可能出现FOB DESTINATION和FOB SHIPPING POINT.
FOB Shipping Point和 FOB Destination 这2个分别是什么有什么区别... 这2个分别是什么 有什么区别 展开 FOB shipping point 是buyer pays shipping chargesFOB Destination 是 seller pays shipping charges
There are two main terms associated with FOB: FOB origin, where the buyer assumes all risks once the goods are shipped, and FOB destination, where the seller retains all responsibilities until the goods reach their destination. FOB shipping has a significant impact on small businesses, especially...
货物自装运港到目的港的运费保险费等由卖方支付,但货物装船后发生的损坏及灭失的风险由买方承担。下面是小编为大家分享国际货代FOB、CNF、CIF术语简介,欢迎大家阅读浏览。 一、FOB贸易术语 1、 定义:FOB是FREE ON BOARD三个单词第一个字母的大写,中文意
我知道做外贸的时候报价,FOB价格后只能跟装运港,不能加目的港,FOB成交方式的话,运费是买家付的,不过如果后面跟了destination,我的理解是CFR destination ,那么运费就是卖家付,FOB shipping point货物所有权是在装运港船舷为分界点,只要货物到了装运港船舷,那么卖家就不承担风险。 不知道对你有...
我就没听到FOB DILIVERY和FOB DESTINATION.后边的CIF和CNF我就知.CIF: 货物运抵目的港的运输费和保险费均由卖方出.货损责任则由买方承担.CNF: 货物运抵目的港的运费费由卖方出,货损责任在于买方,买方可以出于自愿是否附加保险,如果要买,费用由买方出....
FOB shipping point, freightprepaid: The buyer assumes the risk of the products being shipped once the goods arrive at the point of origin. However, the buyer may compensated by the seller, or the seller may incur upfront shipment costs on behalf of the buyer. The seller...