After the walls are up w/the foam board between the boards and the cement is it still required to apply the standard insulation between the wall’s individual 2x4s? I understand that it will certainly help with the temperature control in the rooms and I know it is recommended for that poi...
Plasti dip can be found at lowes or home depot in the paint section, around $6 a can. The spray can version works just like any other can of spray paint, once the surface of your armor is clean, spray it with 2 or 3 layers over the course of an hour. Let it cure for a day ...
5 gallon bucket stir sticks from home improvement store paint counters can be had for free, just ask for one every time you visit (I had one worker give one to each of my kids to use as mock swords) those cheap wood yard sticks would also work, but they aren't free. (I noticed t...