Fnv-1: C=INVfordinDC=C∗PC=C⊕dendC=INVfordinDC=C∗PC=C⊕dend Fnv-1a: C=INVfordinDC=C⊕dC=C∗PendC=INVfordinDC=C⊕dC=C∗Pend x⊕yx⊕y: x异或y; INV: 初始Hash值; P: 质数; 对于CC不同的位长度, INV和P的值如下: // 32位INV =2166136261; P =16777619;// 2^24+...
类型 FNV-1算法有两种版本:FNV-1a和FNV-1。两者的主要区别在于处理字节顺序的方式不同。 应用场景 FNV-1算法常用于以下场景: 哈希表查找:用于快速查找数据。 数据完整性检查:用于验证数据的完整性。 缓存键生成:用于生成缓存键。 无法使用FNV-1算法检查密钥分发的问题 原因 密钥分发机制问题:可能是因为密钥分发机制...
5. The only difference between theFNV-1ahash and theFNV-1hashis the order of the xor and multiply.TheFNV-1ahashuses the sameFNV_primeandoffset_basisas theFNV-1hash of the samen-bit size. Parameters of the FNV-1/FNV-1a hash TheFNV-1hash parameters are as follows: hashis annbit unsig...
FNV-1a non-cryptographic hash function. Contribute to sindresorhus/fnv1a development by creating an account on GitHub.
History 33 Commits .github/workflows trigger ci only on push to main (+ PR) (#5) Jun 5, 2023 fnv_c add missing docstrings (#8) Jun 19, 2023 tests refactor tests and test fnv1/fnv1a May 31, 2023 .coveragerc add codecov
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Deaths in China milk scandal go uncountedCHARLES HUTZLER
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