(3)“一线生机”营地:In the Command Center, in the Southeast corner, on the desk (must be ...
Locate "Custom Launch Command". Enter the explicit path to your tool "exe" file in the "Command:" field (Ex.: "C:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\fnv4gb.exe" without the quotes.) Click the "OK" button. Open the "drop list" window for the "Launch" button in ...
如果你用NVSE编辑脚本,或者转换FOSE转变,你可能会对Gribbleshnibit8的NVSE Command List以及原始的FOSE ...
如果你保存脚本文件,用扩展名".gekv"保存,Notepad++会识别文件并应用适当的语法高亮。 如果你用NVSE编辑脚本,或者转换FOSE转变,你可能会对Gribbleshnibit8的NVSE Command List以及原始的FOSE Command List感兴趣。你还要用NVSE加载GECK,按照之前说的方法。 在你做其它事之前,复制整个FNV目录以做备份。如果你想用纯净...