简单来讲是一个没有人物美化,全部是优化跟功能性模组的modlist。你需要:1. 一份英文原版游戏 2. ...
hash_bits = insert_the_hash_size_in_bits_here; FNV_prime = insert_the_FNV_prime_here; offset_basis = 0; offset_str = "chongo <Landon Curt Noll> /\\../\\"; hash_mod = 2^hash_bits; str_len = strlen(offset_str); for (i=1; i <= str_len; ++i) { offset_basis = (offse...
We compute the32-bit FNV hash value using the and then perform the final mod: #define TRUE_HASH_SIZE ((u_int32_t)1000000)/* range top plus 1 */ #define FNV1_32_INIT ((u_int32_t)2166136261) u_int32_thash; void *data; size_t data_len;hash= fnv_32_buf(data, data_len, ...
We compute the32-bit FNV hash value using the and then perform the final mod: #define TRUE_HASH_SIZE ((u_int32_t)1000000)/* range top plus 1 */ #define FNV1_32_INIT ((u_int32_t)2166136261) u_int32_thash; void *data; size_t data_len;hash= fnv_32_buf(data, data_len, ...