pursue your degree and FNP certification from a university or college that would otherwise be beyond your reach. Most of the nation’s top online FNP programs allow students to both complete coursework off-site and meet their clinical obligations locally rather than on or near the physical campus...
Confucius Says: Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life 子曰:选一个热爱的工作,你这辈子就一天都不用干活了。 假的。经过查证,这句话是1982年,一位叫亚瑟·赛兹莫利(Arthur Szathmary)的哲学教授最早使用,但他当时只是说,一位“古人”(an old-timer)说过这话。
当然,许多美国人用“Confucius Say”,同我们给鲁迅先生编段子一样刻意搞笑,但也有许多句子看着像模像样,真假难辨。 Confucius Says: Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life 子曰:选一个热爱的工作,你这辈子就一天都不用干活了。 假的。经过查证,这句话是1982年,一...