gcc -fno-stack-protector不工作,如何修复?这是编译器发出的警告,因为它在编译时检测到溢出。堆栈保护...
1# github.com/mattn/go-sqlite32cc1.exe: error: unrecognized command line option"-fno-stack-protector" 这个问题还没解决 beego的时候用go-sqlite3的orm报的错,不过不用编译,直接 go run xxx是可以的,但是查询数据库的执行速度达到龟速,汗。
shellcode动态调试 记住编译的时候一定要加-fno-stack-protector -z execstack gcc参数加上 -z execstack, 归根到底就是要让你这段shellcode所放的内存有执行的权限
Open niehuaihuaopened this issueMay 28, 2020· 1 comment Open opened this issueMay 28, 2020· 1 comment niehuaihuacommentedMay 28, 2020 niehuaihuaclosed this ascompletedMay 28, 2020 niehuaihuareopened thisMay 28, 2020
vcxproj: ignore -fno-stack-protector and -fno-common Browse files An upcoming commit will introduce those compile options; MSVC does not understand them, so let's suppress them when generating the Visual Studio project files. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <johannes.schindelin@gmx.de>...
scripts/has-stack-protector: add -fno-PIE Browse files commit 82031ea upstream. Adding -no-PIE to the fstack protector check. -no-PIE was introduced before -fstack-protector so there is no need for a runtime check. Without it the build stops: |Cannot use CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG...
scripts/has-stack-protector: add -fno-PIE Browse files Adding -no-PIE to the fstack protector check. -no-PIE was introduced before -fstack-protector so there is no need for a runtime check. Without it the build stops: |Cannot use CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG: -fstack-protector-strong...