I have several animations loaded and have never had this issue and am honestly not sure it is because I am using MO2 but I have AA loaded with the patch for Immersive Weapons and First Person Animations but none of the four items covered in this mod use the new animations. SO far I ...
No custom animation possible for Skyrim? Wrong. [color=skyblue]FNIS Behaviors allows to add different types of animations to the game[/color]: idles/poses, sequenced, furniture, paired, killmoves, cre
Monitor221hzchanged the titleFNIS Paired and Arm Offset Animations Not Compatible YetMay 3, 2024 Monitor221hzmentioned this issueMay 3, 2024 [Bug]: Immersive Equipment Animations - only boots equip animation working with Pandora#188 Closed
ERROR(76): Could not find a part of the path 'G:\Games\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition\data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\temporary_logs\DebugData.txt'. before it has been working great, my log is FNIS Behavior V7.6 9/14/2021 9:30:33 AM ...
Yes, you can install "FNIS" animations with Nemesis, but you cannot install "Nemesis" animations with FNIS. That would mostly be a concern on SE though I would think. I play LE and I use FNIS. Keep it simple is my motto when it comes to modding. ...
0 animations for 1 mods successfully included (character). 1 Warning(s). And don't tell people they've installed things wrong, I've installed FNIS and modded skyrim SE and oldrim tens of times before this, it's not only you that knows what they are doing. ...
No custom animation possible for Skyrim? Wrong. [color=skyblue]FNIS Behaviors allows to add different types of animations to the game[/color]: idles/poses, sequenced, furniture, paired, killmoves, cre