90 -- 1:54 App 【FNF/Sourlicious】Storymode 曲目 (PICO)2.scratched 799 1 2:31 App FNF--新鲜(5个小时)的模组--Sourlicious freeplay 第二曲游玩(优质模组) 156 -- 2:36 App [FNF/Sourlicious]Freeplay曲目1:Dave (优质模组游玩) 495 -- 3:08 App FNF Corrupted Bside pico day1 208 -...
但在D-Side世界里,Pico是哥特孩子之一,也是Cassandra和其他哥特人的朋友。然而,他并不知道学校的枪击阴谋,最终杀死了Cassandra以结束它。 琐事: 在0.2版本发布之前,Pico的设计以及他开火和重新装填枪支的动画都在 DastardlyDeacon的Twitter帐户上展示过。 DastardlyDeacon表示Pico的设计灵感来自Pico's School: Love Conqu...
黑色星期五之夜错误化picovs腐化bf模组是一款换皮模组的游戏,在这款游戏内玩家点击故事模式和自由模式,选择关卡后,就可以操控被腐化后的BF去对战错误化后的pico了,这非常考验你的手速,所以你千万不要错过任何一个节拍哦! 黑色星期五之夜错误化紫悦模组(Friday Night Funkin) ...
FNF Pico Night Punkin Friday Night Funkin' vs Mystic Myra Fine Night Funkout vs Clippy Friday Night Funkin' Liz Week Friday Night Funkin' Knight Friday Night Funkin' vs Tomato Dude Night of the Funky Bot Friday Night Funkin' vs Xe
ThisFNF week 8update features a new week of gameplay with two new characters to battle. You'll get to rap battlePicoand his friends to some catchy tunes. For those Friday Night Funkin' veterans who crave a challenge, the update introduces a new "Hard" difficulty mode. This mode cranks up...
Dive into the rhythmic world with our FNF-inspired piano game, a fan-made tribute to the vibrant beats and characters of the beloved Friday Night Funkin' universe. This app is your stage to create, remix, and play with the quintessential voices of the Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Pico, and Daddy...
Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) is a music game where you must beat the boss by shooting music arrows. With its funny melodic gameplay and oldskool art style, FNF is…
Pico: An old friend turned rival, inspired by the character from Newgrounds. Remember, there are many more characters you’ll encounter as you progress through the game! The Best Game Settings/Hacks To elevate your gaming experience, here are some settings and hacks to consider: Use Headphones...
Dive into the rhythmic world with our FNF-inspired piano game, a fan-made tribute to the vibrant beats and characters of the beloved Friday Night Funkin' universe. This app is your stage to create, remix, and play with the quintessential voices of the Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Pico, and Daddy...
At the end of each level, FNF Draw - Friday Night Music will provide you with FNF catchy music from various FNF characters: Garcello, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Daddy Dearest, Mommy Nearest, Monster Spirit, Skid and Pump, Pico, Tankman, and Whitty. Activate your brain and your artistic ...