联动游戏:《Sonic (PC port)》、《Sonic(PC PORT) Remake Demo》 人物图标: Lord X的人物图标,左图为正常,右图为危险 Lord X是Sonic.exe同人游戏《Sonic (PC port)》中的主要人物,《Sonic(PC port)》是对Sonic.exe原版的重新演绎,该游戏于一年前由John-Kun开始制作重制版,目前还只有Demo版本。 John-Kun于...
《Triple Trouble》整个游戏流程中共有64个金环。 Soul Tails、Soul Knuckles和Soul Robotnik的形象设计来源于《Sonic (PC port)》中三人的形象设计。 在《Triple Trouble》在Freeplay的画作中,你可以看到坐在音响上的GF,尽管她并没有出现在《Triple Trouble》中。同时Soul Knuckles的左手应该被扯掉,但在画作中,他的...
《Milk》歌曲的开头、模组的背景以及游戏标题都是出自《Sunky.MPEG》。 Sunky.mpeg在《Sonic.exe PC Port Remake》(Lord X出自的游戏)曾客串出场,这可能是该角色唯一一次在FNF以外的其他游戏中客串出场。 在游戏过程中,Sunky在发出笑声时会变成海绵宝宝,这很可能是因为《Sunky.MPEG》中,在每个角色剧情开始时的Soni...
The goal of this web optimized port is to make FNF and this mod more accessible to players that can’t otherwise play it on their potato PC, on a Chromebook, on their Mac, on their Linux, or simply can’t run the EXE files on their computer. Also help save hard drive space. Please...
Friday Night Funkin': Vs. Sonic.Exe模组是由MarStarBro和Comgaming_Nz主导,所有权归RightBurstUltra的一个模组,其现有内容包括《Sonic.EXE》、《Sonic PC PORT》、《Sonic CD》彩蛋以及《Sunky.MPEG》,《Sonic R》和《Sonic the Comic》相关角色。之后的更新还会加入更多人物。
FNF vs Wiki Sans FNF Indie Cross – Crossed Out Crossed Out isFriday Night Funkin modwhere Boyfriend takes on all three weeks of Indie Cross characters , Cuphead, Sans, and Bendy all in one-song in their nightmare form. WIP port, the Undertale Battle Systems are not ported online yet. ...
The goal of this web optimized port is to make FNF and this mod more accessible to players that can’t otherwise play it on their potato PC, on a Chromebook, on their Mac, on their Linux, or simply can’t run the EXE files on their computer. ...
Follow the official instructions for LÖVE game distribution for your platform:https://love2d.org/wiki/Game_Distribution Special Thanks KadeDev forFNFDataAPI, which was refrenced while developing the chart-reading system The developers ofBeatFever Maniafor their music time interpolation code ...
The goal of this web optimized port is to make FNF and this mod more accessible to players that can’t otherwise play it on their potato PC, on a Chromebook, on their Mac, on their Linux, or simply can’t run the EXE files on their computer. Also help save hard drive space. Please...
旧版的密码歌曲《Execution》,对手Lord X。 未使用的歌曲《Fate》,对手Lord X。 视频分享: 原版《Sonic(PC port)》的游戏流程 重制版《Sonic(PC port) Remake》的游戏流程 撰写于2022年1月17日 翻译来源:https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/Vs._Sonic.Exe#Lord_X...