Hex的作者Yingyang48和Whitty的核心制作人之一的sock.clip针对入侵Hex的病毒是否与Updike有关都进行过讨论,结果是该病毒无论是从形状还是形式上都与Updike以及其所代表的组织"The Greater Good"没有任何关联。 截至2021年5月24日,Vs.Hex Mod在下载量排行榜上排名第六,下载量超过79.35万次。 Hex的名字来源于计算机...
... I'm always ready. ——Hex警告:内容过时该模组已经更新,本文仍然是未更新的过时内容。由于笔者过于繁忙导致无法顺利更新,请各位读者注意。抱歉模组简要介绍:VS.Hex模组是由Yingyang48(作曲,人设以及总制作者)、KadeDev(引擎)、DjCa
- Hex This article is considered to be of high quality! This page is well-written, contains factually accurate and verifiable information, is neutral in point of view, stable, well-illustrated, and has relevant media with suitable copyright licenses. Fan Favorite Nice. You're pretty good ...
FNF MODs FAQs & WIKI What is an FNF MOD and what is it for? An FNF MOD is an unofficial modification of Friday Night Funkin’ in which new content is added to the game. The different inclusions of these MODs are usually new characters and dialogues, which make up new unpublished weeks...
下载周五夜放克hex高清版(HEX MOD) 2021-12-2735.4M v1.0.0 安卓版 推荐理由:周五夜放克hex高清版(HEXMOD)是一款很有趣的音乐模组游戏,游戏新增了一些角色,曲库也得到充分更新,整个游戏的“主色调”也开始变的不一样了...感兴趣的小伙伴快来下载吧。... 下载周五夜放克热爱105度的你模组FNF VS 105℃ ...
A: create a credits.txt and put it in the mods/data/ or mods/My-Mod/data folder, each line should look like this name::iconname::description::link::colorHex for a title, just have the name EX: Main Credits Shadow Mario::shadowmario::Main Programmer of Psych Engine::https://ko-fi...
Add you hex color there, **BUT**, add a `0xFF` before it, it should now be looking like `0xFFE0E000` If you've set up everything correctly, this is how it should look like:  ___ 🤨 **EXTRA - Making a new folder being compiled** ...
Wiki pages Wikipedia/Fandom Can we play the FNF online on mobile phones? Yes, you can play some FNF modes from your mobile or tablet. To play Friday Night Funkin' on your mobile, you will have to enter this category using your phone, and then you will see which games can use these ...
官方/FNF 远古模组 Vs Hex V3 更新 音乐原声带 Ost 预告 auto薄纱eta 【Lazy bones/休闲向/联合填词】*快点抓住我的麦克风,贯彻每个梦! 【深红模糊的早晨】痞老板超燃曲Served通关! 【多K萌新的第一步!】FNF超难12K空格破坏者无改键位无修改通关!!! “那弱水三千若能把那今生湮灭” 原文Herobrine被扒皮...
Whitty,Hex,The symbol for IRIS,Sunday,Kapi,Pompom,Daddy Dearest,Tabi,Updike,Corrupted BF,Sarvente,Zardy,Tricky,SakuromaIzzuriusInsatianHivmineAtroceanDozirc(七宗罪其他角色),《Onslaught 》 中的Bob ,Little Man,Kade Dev,Ron,KB(在 "QT" mod中的机器人),Ruv, Camellia,Starecrown,Anomaly T_023_F ...