This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on aFunkin' Forwarddirect (or something of that nature), a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information! This article likely has placeholder content. Please refrain from adding any false ... Vs. Void 版本: ·V1(2021年7月24日) ·V2(2022年6月4日) 引擎: ·Kade Engine 创造者: ·Starbreak 其它: ·TheNikwell(创意帮助/对话帮助) ·Slinkous (GitHub安装帮助) ·1up(“感谢您的参与”美术) ·音效来源) 角色 Void/凌虚 别名(A....
Funkipedia Mods Wiki Others Like You Viewed Funkipedia Mods Wiki Petrifying Plumbers Myths Of Yamaha FNF: Broken Strings/Characters (Main) Godsent Gaslit - Bedtime Top Pages this Week Jeffy's Infinite Irida 1 Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness 2 TWIDDLEFINGER 3 Friday Night Funkin': Mario'...
原版fnf维基: mod fnf维基: fnf中文维基: 顺便, B站封面提...
Guest accounts had access to less features compared to normal accounts, such as not being able to chat and only being allowed 20 trial plays before having to make an official account. Additionally, guests could appear as one of three avatars based on gender options:BillyBloxxer, the male gues...
全部内容都来自FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' WIKI,感兴趣的可以自己去康康 网址 翻译依旧是我自己,还是一样,渣翻请见谅 Pico 别名 Prick-o(by Cyclops) Prico(by Casandra) 性取向不明的愤怒小伙伴(by 坦克兵) 亲属
Friday Night Funkin' Daddy Dearest(岳父)是GF的父亲,也是Mommy Mearest(岳母)的丈夫。他是第一周的主要反对者,也是第五周的反对者之一。他是一个前摇滚明星,不赞成他女儿和BF之间的关系。他的曲目包括Bopeebo、Fresh和Dadbattle,并与Mommy Mearest共享曲目Cocoa和Eggnog ...
The Semi-Official Friday Night Funkin' Mods Wiki!Trending articlesJeffy's Infinite Irida SML Movie: Jeffy's Endless Aethos! Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness/Characters Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness/Music TWIDDLEFINGER ...
Friday Night Funkin' "嘿 哥们,我要吃了你女朋友" ——Monster Monster是第二周和第五周的次要对手。他强势地接管了第二周和第五周的最后曲目《Monster》和《Winter horror》。他是一个神秘的生物,长着一个像柠檬的头,想要吃掉BF和GF。 外貌 Monster似乎是一种恶魔般的人形生物,除了脖子外,身体大部分由黑色...
以下来自 机翻 动图尽量放 之前的英语Wiki关闭了,现在的内容补充自 Pico 状态:活的种族:人类性别:男 性取向:双性恋 年龄: 13 (Pico's School和Pico 2,viaMindChamber时期) 20 (Friday Night Funkin时期) 合作:Daddy Dearest(以前的老板) ...