Terminal 7: Pico Voice Original Authors Phantom Fear: Creator of the original corruption mod DyanEstella: corruption reimagined sprites Special Thanks Sammu :being an epic gamer Xafier777: Image flash event LoganMcOof: Pico soundfont YaY_fan_Musical5: Corrupt bf soundfont ...
一只softBF 18:49 FNF周五夜放克:新腐化模组【Lost To Darkness】! _炸弹头_ 13:42 FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' mod EVIL Pico vs CORRUPT Ruvyzvat FINAL BATTLE!! 面包狗是个屑 50:13 Aff1iCtionCSG 14:28 腐化sarv隐藏曲 1weather_winter1 5.1万94 ...