游戏中判定分成Sick!!、Good!、Bad、Shit、Miss五种,后两者会断Combo。获得的分数与判定的种类直接关联,结算时的总分为获得的分数累加而成。 Sick!!:精确击中,分数增加300分。 Good!:击中存在小偏差,分数增加200分。 Bad:击中存在较大的偏差,分数增加100分。 Shit:击中存在极大的偏差,分数增加50分。 Miss:击中...
fnf 最难的,sick按多了就会掉血(good也是)掉箭头掉5%,而且不能回血 - FNF·小魂于20230611发布在抖音,已经收获了8.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
版本1.6使mod有可能是locked周。 生命值和点数的作用是不同的:虽然Sick和Good与vanilla相同,但Bad值0点,Shit值-300点,它们都会从你身上扣除生命值。Shit也算错过了,因为它们的贴图很小,所以非常罕见。 如果你的准确性模式很简单(准确),那么你会这样计算:Sick1次命中,Goods0.75次命中,Bad0.5次命中,Shit值-1次命...
FNF Pibby Corrupted V1.5 offers a gargantuan content with more than 25 rap battles against characters from numerous TV shows you know. Face Finn, Jake,...
If you miss more than 20 notes it will lead you to the bad ending where Sonic.exe can no longer be stopped and will eliminate everyone. Credits: Director, main programmer:SnowTheFox Composer:jario16-PorkNDogs Artist:AnotherNormalPerson-Tedd ...
FNF Mods - Friday Night Funkin is an amazing Music Rhythm game where you should face multiple opponents in some cool rap duels. How to play: - The screen is…
Angel Notes, these are based on your accuracy rating, hitting a sick will grant +50% health and allow overheal to 200% health, hitting a good will lower your health by -15%, bad will do -65% and ### will do -100% (halo notes also only lower health by -100%, this makes it po...
Here is a refresher on the scoring points: Dope (Sick) +350 points, Pog(Good) +200 points, Freak (Bad) + 100 points, Eh + 50 points. Miss a note – 10 points. Good luck getting your free meal for you and your date. Mod Credits: ...
除了在 Santa Cruz 海岸冲浪以外,他还帮助一系列初创企业在变幻无穷的互联网浪潮中破浪前进。他是 ...
"sickWindow": "更改Sick评分判定的最大区间", "goodWindow": "更改Good评分判定的最大区间", "badWindow": "更改Bad评分判定的最大区间", "marvelousRating": "增加Marvelous判定", "marvelousSprite": "Marvelous评分仍然使用Sick的贴图", "Appbackend": "软件后端设置", "discordRPC": "从Discord 上的“...