1 changing chapter name in fncychap 4 \chapter* chapter name customisation in fncychap glenn 2 fncychap and polyglossia 0 Change page number color in fncychap 0 Contents chapter change color using fncychap 0 How do I change the color of the background on my chapter style in ...
\documentclass{book} \usepackage[Rejne]{fncychap} \usepackage[nonefgrulers]{fgruler} \begin{document} \chapter*{Star} \vspace*{-34mm}\ruler{rightdown}{12.3cm} \chapter{No star} \vspace*{-19mm}\ruler{rightdown}{12.3cm} \end{document} fncychap Share Improve this question Follow asked...
I would like to decrease the space before and after the chapter name due to space constraints. I am using the fncychap. Here is the MWE: \documentclass{report} \usepackage[Glenn]{fncychap} \usepackage{lipsum} % filler text \begin{document} \chapter{Amazing} \lipsum[1-5] % filler t...
1 You need to add three lines to your preamble: the first to have a normal font in the section title and the last two to avoid the scrbook error (fncychap using the old \sf command). \documentclass[a4paper,10pt,twoside, DIV=9]{scrbook} \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor...
I'm currently writing a book and I've decided to use the fncychap glenn style for my chapter headings. It's working great, but I was wondering if there's a way I could change the chapter name (eg. Chapter 1) in the top left hand corner to "Prologue". \documentclass[openany]{...