As a bank alternative for international money transfers and multi currency accounts,Wisemakes it easy and cost effective for you to hold, send and receive multiple currencies all in one place. You can manage your money in 40+ currencies at once, and convert between them whenever you need to....
The recipient’s full name and address Their bank account number IBAN number SWIFT code SORT or routing code (depending on destination) Balance of Payments Reporting (BoP) code - indicating the reason for the transfer. You may also be asked to upload documents, under South African Reserve Bank...
This product can't be shipped to your address. Select another product or address. Security & Privacy Safe payments: We do not share your personal details with any third parties without your consent. Secure personal details: We protect your privacy and keep your personal details safe and secure...
Load equivalent international resistance: 0~9999.9Ω Load equivalent international resistance resolution: 0.0001Ω Load equivalent international resistance accuracy: ±(0.5%+2) Capacity: 0~9999.99Ah Energy used: 0~9999.99Wh Cable resistance: 0~9999.99Ω ...